


49 歲,自2018 年9 月出任京東方精電有限公司(「本公司」)執行董事兼主席。高先生於2019 年和2022 年4 月重新委任為執行董事兼主席。彼亦為本公司之提名委員會和投資委員會主席及薪酬委員會員。




高先生2003年加入京東方,現任京 東方集團第十屆董事會董事、總裁和執行委員會副主席及北京中祥英科技有 限公司董事長等職務。高先生現亦為京東方集團總裁、後台(業務支援體系) 京東方大學堂校長、京東方顯示器件及物聯網創新業務前台負責人。


44 歲,自2014 年10 月和2019 年1 月起分別獲委任為執行董事和京東方精電有限公司(「本公司」及其附屬公司「本集團」)副主席。高女士為本公司薪酬委員會及投資委員會成員及本集團多家附屬公司之董事。高女士亦於2015 年3 月獲委任為本公司行政總裁,並於2016 年4 月調任為本公司聯席行政總裁,之後調任至當前職位。高女士自2021 年5 月已獲委任為聯交所主板上市公司青島創新奇智科技集團股份有限公司之獨立非執行董事。


高女士持有美國Mount Holyoke College之經濟及數學學士學位, 以及倫敦帝國學院之金融碩士學位。彼擁有超過7 年銀行經驗, 並於證券及資本市場擁有豐富經驗。彼曾任滙豐全球市場 — 結構性信貸及基金解決方案之董事直至2009 年8 月為止。於加入滙豐前,高女士曾於摩根士丹利(香港)及摩根大通(倫敦)任職。


43 歲,於2016 年4 月和2019 年1 月分別獲委任為執行董事和京東方精電有限公司(「本公司」及其附屬公司「本集團」)行政總裁。彼於2016 年4 月被任命為本公司聯席行政總裁, 之後調任至當前職位。蘇先生於2019 年和2022 年4 月重新委任為執行董事兼行政總裁。蘇先生為提名委員會和投資委員會委員及本集團多家附屬公司之董事。

蘇先生畢業於中國科學院研究生院並取得工程碩士學位。自2005 年至今,蘇先生曾任北京京東方光電科技有限公司(京東方之子公司)模組技術部副科長、應用產品事業部科長、新應用營業部副部長、應用產品事業部副總經理,為北京京東方顯示技術有限公司(京東方之子公司)應用產品事業部總經理和京東方顯示器件及物聯網創新業務前台車載SBU總經理。



54歲,自2019年4月出任本公司非執行董事。邵先生於2022年 4月重新委任為非執行董事。邵先生畢業於中國科學院長春物理 研究所(凝聚態物理)並取得博士學位。1994年至2006年期間, 邵先生曾先後就職於中國科學院長春物理研究所、日本東北大 學和吉林北方彩晶顯示有限公司,自2006年加入京東方科技集團股份有限公司(「京東方」)及其附屬公司至今,曾任戰略規劃本部副總監、中央研究院研究開發總監,京東方顯示技術產品開發總監,京東方顯示器件事業DT開發本部 總監、TV開發本部長、IT/TV產品開發副中心長、IT/TV產品開發中心長、首席產品官、聯席首席技術官。




50歲,自2019年4月出任京東方精電有限公司(「本公司」)非執行董事。金先生於2022年 4月重新委任為非執行董事。金先生畢業於東北林業大學(貿易 經濟)並取得學士學位。1997年至2003年期間,金先生曾先後就職於北京市古城旅遊職業學校、光明K.E.D.株式会社及BTC情報通信株式会社,自2003年加入京東方科技集團股份有限公司(「京東方」)及其附屬公司團至今。


金先生現任京東方顯示器件及物聯網創新業務中台計劃與運營中台副負責人、京東方顯示器 件及物聯網創新業務中台計劃與運營中台產銷運營中心中心長、京東方顯示器件及物聯網創新業務前台國內營銷平台區域業務執行組組長。


36歲,自2023年2月出任非執行董事。孟先生畢業 於北京理工大學(企業管理)並取得碩士學位。自2009年加入京東方科技集團股份有限公司(「京東方」)至今,曾任京東方計劃財務部副科長、預算管理部預算分析科副科長、預算管理部副部長、智慧系統預算與運營革新本部負責人、預算管理本部重大項目業績管理部部長和預算中心副中心長。


孟先生現任京東方後台(業務支援體系)首席財務官(「CFO」)組織顯示器件及物聯網創新業務財務運營管理中心中心長,後台(業務支援體系)CFO組織預算中心中心長,和後台(業務支援體系)CFO 組織副首席財務官。


57歲,自2016年6月出任獨立非執行董事,彼亦為京東方精電有限公司(「本公司」)之審核委員會和薪酬委員會主席及提名委員會委員。馮先生於倫敦畢馬威會計師事務所受訓和獲取會計師資格,1993年回流香港及於香港畢馬威會計師事務所工作。回港後,馮先生經常往返中國處理不同的中國項目,包括首次公開招股和收購及合併的盡職調查。馮先生於2000年10月成為合夥人。於2006年彼進駐北京。過往20年,馮先生於畢馬威會計師事務所擔任不同職位, 包括大客戶主管合夥人及北區審計部主管合夥人和北區業務發展主管合夥人。


馮先生退休前是畢馬威全球中國業務發展中心(「GCP」)的全球主席。GCP聚集了畢馬威國內以至全球的專業人士,並並完全專注中國境內外業務、提供全球性策略以協助中國業務和助跨 國公司進入或開拓中國市場,因此,馮先生經常與市場參與者會晤以討論中國持續發展及事宜以面對不同業務的執行人。馮先生亦譜寫著作,以講者和專題討論參加者身份於研討會和會議上分享其經驗和看法。




59歲,自2016年6月出任京東方精電有限公司(「本公司」)獨立非執行董事,彼亦為本公司之審核委員會、薪酬委員會及提名委員會委員。朱先生擁有 20年的業務經驗及15年的企業管治經驗。朱先生目前為道富資本有限公司(為一家位於香港和上海的私募股權投資公司)的合夥人。朱先生分別於2019年6月和2022年9月已獲委任為聯交所主板上市公司國聯證券股份有限公司和聯交所創業板上市公司加冪科技有限公司之獨立非執行董事。


自2012年至2018年2月28日,彼為經絡集團(香港)有限公司(為 一家領先按揭轉介公司以及美聯集團有限公司及長江實業(集團)有限公司的合營公司)的行政總裁。自2012年3月至2012年6月, 彼為China Smart Electric Co. Ltd.的財務總監。彼於2009年7月 至2011年10月期間擔任聯交所主板上市公司創益太陽能控股有限公司的首席財務官。自2010年9月至2012年5月,彼為聯交所主板上市公司中國金石礦業控股有限公司的獨立非執行董事。 朱先生曾任職於美國證券交易所上市公司上海世紀創投有限公司及聯交所上市公司聯合能源集團有限公司。彼曾為荷銀融資亞洲有限公司的董事,亦曾為香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司的董事。自2012年6月至2015年6月,彼為聯交所主板上市公司濰柴動力股份有限公司的獨立非執行董事。朱先生於2016年6月辭任聯交所創業板上市公司直通電訊控股有限公司的獨立非執行董事。











45歲,京東方精電有限公司(「本公司」及其附屬公司「本集團」)之首席運營官。彼持有香港中文大學化學學士學位和香港中文大學數據科學及商業統計理學碩士學位,彼於 2000年10月加入本集團。


53歲,京東方精電有限公司(「本公司」及其附屬公司「本集團」)之市務總監。彼持有南韓Sogang University物理學士學位,彼於2006年10月加入本集團。


49歲,京東方精電有限公司(「本公司」及其附屬公司「本集團」)之技術總監。彼持有南韓Sogang University光學碩士學位。於加入本集團之前,尹先生曾在京東方集團服務, 擁有超過20年的TFT模塊開發經驗。彼於2023年10月加入本集團。










56歲,京東方精電有限公司(「本公司」及其附屬公司「本集團」)之助理總經理 — 品質。彼持有香港城市大學應用物理學士學位。吳先生擁有超過16年的汽車品質保證管理經驗。 彼於2017年8月加入本集團。




  • 馮育勤先生 (主席)
  • 朱賀華先生
  • 龐春霖先生



  • 馮育勤先生 (主席)
  • 高文寶先生
  • 高頴欣女士
  • 朱賀華先生
  • 龐春霖先生



  • 高文寶先生 (主席)
  • 蘇寧先生
  • 馮育勤先生
  • 朱賀華先生
  • 龐春霖先生



  • 高文寶先生 (主席)
  • 高頴欣女士
  • 蘇寧先生
  • 投資委員會其他委員非為本公司董事


Director's Biographical Information

aged 45, was appointed as an Executive Director and the Chairman in September 2018. Mr. Gao is the chairman of the Nomination Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee of the Company.  As the term of office of Mr. Gao expired on 27 April 2019, Mr. Gao was re-appointed as an Executive Director, the Chairman, the chairman of the Nomination Committee and a member of the Remuneration Committee of the Company with effect from 28 April 2019.

Mr. Gao graduated from Jilin University with a doctor degree in microelectronics and solid-state electronics. He holds Beijing senior specialized technique qualification in electronic components and materials.  From 2003 to 2011, Mr. Gao worked as a section chief of the panel research and development section, a department chief of the product technology department and a vice-general manager and a manager of the production factory of Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd (a subsidiary of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd (“BOE”)).  From 2011 to 2015, Mr. Gao worked as a general manager of Chongqing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd (a subsidiary of BOE).  From 2015 to 2018, Mr. Gao worked as a co-chief executive officer of Display Business Group of BOE.  He is currently the chief executive officer of Display and Sensor Business Group of BOE.

aged 40, was appointed as an Executive Director of the Company in October 2014.  Ms. Ko was also appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company in March 2015 and was redesignated to a Co-chief Executive Officer of the Company in April 2016.  Ms. Ko was redesignated from a Co-chief executive officer of the Company to the Vice Chairlady of the Company in January 2019.  Ms. Ko is a member of the Remuneration Committee of the Company and a director of various subsidiaries of the Group.   Ms. Ko holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics and Mathematics from Mount Holyoke College, U.S.A., and a Master Degree in Finance from the Imperial College, London. She has over 7 years of experience in banking and has extensive experience in the securities and capital markets, and was a director of global markets — structured credit and fund solutions of HSBC until August 2009.  Before joining HSBC, Ms. Ko served at Morgan Stanley (Hong Kong) and JP Morgan Securities Limited (London).

aged 39, was appointed as an Executive Director and a Co-chief Executive Officer of the Company in April 2016. Mr. Su was redesignated from a Co-chief Executive Officer of the Company to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company in January 2019.  Mr. Su is a member of the Nomination Committee of the Company and a director of various subsidiaries of the Group.  As the term of office of Mr. Su expired on 27 April 2019, Mr. Su was re-appointed as an Executive Director, the Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Nomination Committee with effect from 28 April 2019.

Mr. Su graduated from the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences with a master degree in engineering. Since 2005, Mr. Su has served as a deputy division chief in the module technical department, a deputy department head in the new application business department, the division chief, a deputy general manager in the application business department of Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of BOE). Mr. Su is the general manager of the application business department of Beijing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of BOE).

aged 50, was appointed as a Non-executive Director of the Company in April 2019.  Mr. Shao graduated from Changchun Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences with a doctor degree in condensed matter physics. From 1994 to 2006, Mr. Shao worked at Changchun Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tohoku University and Jilin North Color Crystal Display Co., Ltd.. Since 2006, Mr. Shao joined the BOE Group. He worked as a deputy director of strategic planning department, a director of research and development of central research institute, a director of product development of BOE Display, a director of DT development and a department head of TV development, a deputy head of IT/TV product development, head of IT/TV product development, the chief product officer, a co-chief technology officer of Display Business Group of BOE. He is currently the chief product officer of display and sensor business of BOE.

aged 46, was appointed as a Non-executive Director of the Company in April 2019.  Mr. Jin graduated from Northeast Forestry University with a bachelor’s degree in trade economy. From 1997 to 2003, Mr. Jin worked at Beijing Gucheng Tourism Vocational School, K.E.D. Co., Ltd. and BTC Information and Communication Co., Ltd.. Since 2003, Mr. Jin joined the BOE Group. He worked as a department head of sales planning management department of BOE Optoelectronics, head of sales management centre of Display Business Group of BOE. He is currently a head of sales management centre of display and sensor business of BOE.

aged 53, was appointed as a Non-executive Director of the Company in April 2019. Ms. Zhang graduated from Hunan University with a bachelor’s degree in industrial foreign trade. From 1989 to 2004, Ms. Zhang worked at Beijing Greatwall Optical Instrument Factory and Beijing Acorp M&E Co., Ltd. Since 2004, Ms. Zhang joined the BOE Group. She worked as a head of accounting department of BOE Optoelectronics, a vice financial controller of Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of BOE), a financial controller of Hefei Xinsheng Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of BOE), a financial controller of Fuzhou BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of BOE), and a head of accounting and tax department of BOE. She is currently a head and a financial controller of budget management department of display and sensor business of BOE.

aged 53, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company in June 2016.  Mr. Fung is the Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee, and a member of the Nomination Committee of the Company.  Mr. Fung was trained and qualified in KPMG London before returning to KPMG Hong Kong in 1993. Since his return Mr. Fung has travelled regularly into China to lead different types of China projects, including Initial Public Offerings and due diligence exercises for merger and acquisitions. Mr. Fung became a partner in October 2000. Later in 2006 he moved to and started stationing in Beijing. In the past two decades, he has been in many positions within KPMG, including the partner in-charge of large accounts, regional head of audit and regional head of business development.

Mr. Fung’s last position before retirement is the Global Chair of KPMG Global China Practice (“GCP”). The GCP is a community of professionals in China and across the globe with a total focus on inbound and outbound China businesses and assists Chinese businesses with their globalisation strategy and helps multinational companies enter or expand into the China market. In this role, he regularly meets with market players to discuss the continuous development of China and issues confronting executives from different businesses. He also writes publications and appears in conferences and events as presenters/panelists to share his experience and views on these matters.

Mr. Fung is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales and a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He obtained a bachelor of science in Economics from London School of Economics and Political Science in 1988.

aged 55, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Directors of the Company in June 2016.  He is a member of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Company.  Mr. Chu has over 15 years of business experience and over 9 years of experience in corporate governance. Mr. Chu is a partner of Go Capital Limited which is a private equity firm based in Hong Kong and Shanghai.  Mr. Chu was appointed as an independent non-executive director of Guolian Securities Co., Ltd. which is listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange in June 2019.  From 2012 and 28 February 2018, Mr. Chu was the chief executive officer of mReferral Corporation (HK) Limited which is a leading mortgage referral company and is a joint venture of Midland Holdings Limited and Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited. From March 2012 to June 2012, he was the chief financial officer of China Smart Electric Co. Ltd. From July 2009 to October 2011, he was the chief financial officer of Trony Solar Holdings Company Limited which is a publicly listed company on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange. From September 2010 to May 2012, he was an independent non-executive director of China Kingstone Mining Holdings Limited which is a publicly listed company on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange. He has previously worked for Shanghai Century Acquisition Corporation, a company listed on the American Stock Exchange, and United Energy Group Limited, a company listed on the Stock Exchange. He was a director at ABN AMRO Asia Corporate Finance Ltd. and was also a director at the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. From June 2012 to June 2015, he was an independent non-executive director of Weichai Power Co. Ltd. which is a publicly listed company on the Main Board of Stock Exchange.  He resigned as an independent non-executive director of Directel Holdings Limited which is listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange in June 2016.  He obtained a master degree of business administration from the Columbia University and a bachelor degree of science from the University of Rochester in 1990 and 1986 respectively.

aged 82, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company in March 2005.  He is a member of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Company.  Mr. Hou graduated from Peking University in 1958 with a Bachelor’s degree in Physics.  From 1993 to 1997, Mr. Hou was a director of the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  From 1988 to 1993, Mr. Hou was a secretary general of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Senior Management’s Biographical Information

Mr. PANG Tien Kin

aged 39, is the Group Financial Controller and Company Secretary of the Group.  He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) from City University of Hong Kong, and is a Member of the HKICPA and a Fellow Member of the ACCA.  He joined the Group in September 2017.

Mr. PARK Soo Bin, James

aged 49, is the Chief Marketing Officer of the Group. He holds a Bachelor of Physics degree from Sogang University in South Korea. He joined the Group in October 2006.

LO Pak Chi, Patrick

aged 46, is the General Manager responsible for operation of the Heyuan plant of the Group. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Physics from The Hong Kong Baptist University. He joined the Group in May 1998.


aged 38, the Executive Officer of the CEO Office responsible for Systems / New Product development and internal operation of the Group.  He holds a degree in Information Engineering from the Beijing Institute of Technology, China and a Master’s degree in Software Engineering from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.  Before joining the Group, Mr. Cheng served at BOE Group and has more than 13 years of TFT module production and operational experience. He joined the Group in August 2017.

MA Chung Man, Alex

aged 44, the Assistant General Manager – Purchasing, of the Group.  He holds a degree in Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering from the University of Hong Kong and a Master’s degree in System Engineering and Engineering Management from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  He joined the Group in October 1998.

NG Ah Loi, Lloyd

aged 52, is the Assistant General Manager – Head of Quality of the Group.  He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Physics from the City University of Hong Kong.  Mr. Ng has over 12 years of experience in automotive quality assurance management.  He joined the Group in August 2017.


aged 41, is the Senior Manager – Head of Business Planning of the Group.  She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  She joined the Group in October 2000.


  • Mr. Fung, Yuk Kan Peter (Chairman)
  • Mr. Chu, Howard Ho Hwa
  • Mr. Hou Ziqiang

Terms of Reference


  • Mr. Fung, Yuk Kan Peter (Chairman)
  • Mr. Gao Wenbao
  • Ms. Ko Wing Yan, Samantha
  • Mr. Chu, Howard Ho Hwa
  • Mr. Hou Ziqiang

Terms of Reference


    • Mr. Gao Wenbao (Chairman)
    • Mr. Su Ning
    • Mr. Fung, Yuk Kan Peter
    • Mr. Chu, Howard Ho Hwa
    • Mr. Hou Ziqiang


Terms of Reference
